
By performing diverse approach from in and out of AV fistula,
fast recovery, precise treatment, and minimal side effect are being accomplished.

AV fistula treatment
Hybrid treatment that incorporates intervention and surgical treatment

Treatment of AV fistula

Blocking, swelling, and becoming numb everyday, AV fistula problem that repeats over and over. We will be your ‘trustworthy companion’ so that you won’t be alone in the endless fight that will follow you for lifetime. MINT hospital Vascular Center achieves fast recovery, precise treatment, and minimal side effect with diverse approach from in and out of AV fistula,.

  • AV fistula recanalization

    • Stent insertion
    • Balloon angioplasty
    • Thrombectomy
    AV fistula
    hybrid treatment

    • Procedure
    • Surgery
  • Dialysis access surgery

    • AVF (Autologous AV fistula)
    • AVG (Artificial dialysis graft)

    Corrective surgery

    • Av fistula reduction
    • Vein superficialization
    • Dialysis streamline surgery
    • Pseudoaneurysm resection
    • peripheral vessel ligation


AV fistula Recanalization

Intervention (non-surgical)
that treats AV fistula complications.

  • What is
    AV fistula recanalization ?

    It can treat conditions like stenosis, occlusion, thrombosis, and calcification that induces circulatory disorder in AV fistula. It recanalizes narrowed or occluded fistula by inserting fine medical device (catheter) intravascularly. It is also called ‘Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA)’ or ‘percutaneous recanalization’ It is performed by intervention radiologist.
  • Expansion and speed

    State-of-the-art medical device is attached to the catheter depending on stenosis in the fistula to conduct more detailed
    treatments like stent insertion, balloon angioplasty, and thrombectomy. Recanalization has its advantage in that it can immediately treat the problem in any segments, from AV fistula to vein entering the heart, and dialysis is available right after the procedure

  • Local anesthesia + minimal invasion Minimal physical fatigue
  • After
    Immediate dialysis
  • From test to
    ONE STOP treatment
  • Recurred
    at the same site
    Revisional surgery
  • 95% treatment
    of AV fistula complication
    High recanalization success rate
  • Multiple
    all at once

Procedure process

  • Insertion at the occlusion

  • Destruction of the occlusion

  • Recirculation

After inserting balloon catheter at the section of fistula occluded by thrombus, balloon is inflated to expand the causative fistula. As the occluded fistula is recanalized, the blood circulation returns to normal.

  • Local anesthesia ▶
    Small incision of
    1.5mm in the skin ▶
    Guide wire insertion
  • Insertion of catheter
    with balloon, drug,
    or stent (metal net) based
    on the purpose
    of the treatment
  • Contrast injection
    with catheter ▶
    Angiographic X-ray
    imaging in real time
  • Catheter approaches
    the lesion via blood
    vessels to treat stenosis,
    occlusion, thrombosis,
    and calcification
  • Removal of
    surgical device ▶
    Immediate dialysis

Treatment outcome

AV fistula is underdeveloped due to stenosis before the treatment (shown in arrow), making only artery visible and leaving the vein occluded.
After treatment, the blood flow returns to normal and vein is visible


Dialysis access surgery

Surgery to create a new AV fistula
by connecting artery and vein

What is dialysis access surgery?

It connects artery and vein directly or via artificial graft, creating a new dialysis channel (access).

After the surgery, AV fistula that has matured for 1~3 months can be used without problem only after satisfying the following conditions

  • ① Adequate blood flow (500mL per minute)
  • ② Adequate fistula diameter (5~6mm or larger)
  • ③ Adequate depth that can be punctured with dialysis needle (5~6mm underneath skin)

Autologous graft vs Artificial graft

Autologous graft surgery (AVF)


Artificial graft surgery (AVG)

★★★ Difficulty
2~3 months Maturation period 3~6 weeks
Low risk of aneurysm, thrombosis, and infection Complication High risk of aneurysm, thrombosis, and infection
About 2.8~3 years Expected average span About 2~2.5 years

AV fistula corrective surgery

Surgery that treats complication of AV fistula


AV fistula reduction

Surgery to treat aneurysm of AV fistula

Good AV fistula must flow in straight line with adequate thickness at adequate depth.

However, if the problems like

  • ① excessive blood flow
  • ② stenosis at the arterial access (the arterial part where the blood is drawn out with dialysis machine) persists, the fistula swells and dilates extensively.
    This is called ‘aneurysm’

Once ‘aneurysm' that enlarges AV fistula and convolute its path, blood flow into the fistula becomes too excessive,

which causes

  • ① excessive blood flow
  • ② stenosis at the arterial access (the arterial part where the blood is drawn out with dialysis machine) persists, the fistula swells and dilates extensively.
    This is called ‘aneurysm’

If such complication arises, it also affects dialysis, so reduction is performed to modify the fistula into more adequate size and straight passage.

  • AV fistula Used longer and
  • Cardiac failure
    Minimal cardiac
  • Without hemodialytic
    original AV fistula

Treatment result

  • Before the treatment

    AV fistula is excessively dilated from the AV anastomosis, creating blood flow so excessive that it stresses the heart.

  • 3 months after the treatment

    After reduction, the pressure in AV fistula decreases and the blood flow returns to normal

Surgery process

  • Vascular condition

    • AV fistula ultrasound
    • Angiograph
  • Surgery plan and

    • Pre-operation test and preparation
  • Operation

    • Local anesthesia and sedation anesthesia
    • Problematic fistula resection and suture
  • Recovery

    • disinfection in surgical site for next 2~3 weeks
    • Hemodialysis possible with the treated site after 3~4 weeks.

After reduction, the pressure in AV fistula decreases and the blood flow returns to normal, decreasing the stress to heart.
In long-term, stenosis in central vein decreases and AV fistula is kept for long period.


Pseudoaneurysm resection

Surgery to treat ‘pseudoaneurysm’, the complication of AV fistula.

AV fistula goes through hemostasis process where the puncture by needle persists, then the surrounding tissue slowly blocks the puncture.
The bleeding may not stop if the puncture is made repeatedly on one or two areas and the vascular wall becomes thinner or if complication arises during the recovery process after the surgery.

The blood that leaks from the area where bleeding is not completely sealed off may collect in subcutaneous fat layer, form a sac, and bulge. It is called ‘psuedoaneurysm’.

Pseudoaneurysm is common in AV fistula and it also often can occur autologous AV fistula located deep inside the flesh.
If pseudoaneurysm gets larger, it may cause various complications like sepsis, skin defect (artificial graft fistula), thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, skin infection, vascular rupture (autologous fistula)

Commonly, surgery is performed when there is a problem in vascular wall along with psuedoaneurysm 1cm or larger or when there is thrombus.

Treatment result

  • Before the treatment

    Progressive dilatation of pseudoaneurysm in artificial graft fistula, swelling like a sphere.

  • After the surgery

    Correction performed to resect pseudoaneurysm and change the deficit area with artificial vascular graft


Vein superficialization

Surgery that relocates deep vein close to the skin

Well-made AV fistula must satisfy ‘3 conditions’ of blood flow, size, and depth.
Particularly, ideal depth is 5~6 mm underneath the skin.
If the fistula is located too deep, the needle can’t puncture the fistula easily and consequently puncture one or two site that is easy to puncture, which increases the risk of pseudoaneurysm.
The reason the veins are located deep is because the veins are hidden inside thick fat layer.
Therefore, vein superficialization is commonly performed with ‘venous lifting (Lifting surgery)’ and ‘Fat layer removal’.

In MINT hospital, we perform hemodialysis access surgery and vein superficialization at the same time for patient’s convenience.

Treatment result

  • Before the treatment

    AV fistula is located at 8mm from the surface, which is comparatively deep, making it difficult to puncture with fistula needle.

  • After the surgery

    After conducting vein superficialization that lifts AV fistula up, the fistula became closer to the surface, at 4mm.


AV fistula streamline surgery

Surgery that streamlines AV fistula into a straight line
when the fistula is too convoluted and is difficult to puncture.


Peripheral vascular ligation

When AV fistula does not develop well as the blood flow is stolen by peripheral blood vessels,
the vessels are ligated to stop blood flow.

Hybrid AV fistula treatment

Collaborative treatment of procedure (non-surgical) and surgery

Hybrid treatment is a treatment that is performed at the same time when the treatment area is more than one and non-surgical approach and surgical approach are necessary depending on the site.
For comprehensive treatment, multidisciplinary collaboration is required, It maximizes advantages of non-surgical intravascular treatment and surgical treatment.

  • Recanalization

    • From the inside of fistula
      • - Recanalization of occluded fistula
      • - Expansion of narrowed fistula
    • Performed by intervention specialist
    • Immediate result, less complication, fast recovery.
  • Surgery

    • From the outside of fistula
      • - Connection of blood vessels
      • - Artificial graft implant
      • - Reduction of dilated fistula
      • - AV fistula streamlining and superficialization of vein
    • Performed by vascular surgeon
    • Long-lasting result
      (Less unnecessary re-treatment)
  • Hybrid treatment

    • Management of complex AV fistula problem from inside and outside of the fistula
    • multidisciplinary collaboration
    • Maximization of advantages of both treatments.

  • Recanalization and
    surgery all at once
    Faster and
    more reasonable!
  • All the problems treated
    at once
  • Inside and outside
    of AV fistula at the same time

Treatment result

  • Before the treatment.1

    Patient with underdeveloped, deep AV fistula who can’t have dialysis.

  • Treatment summary.1

    • ① Narrowed section in the fistula was widened with recanalization from the inside and
    • ② Deeply-located vein was relocated near the surface (vein superficialization) For easier dialysis.
  • Before the treatment.2

    Patient that shows aneurysm with bulging fistula, endovascular wall occluded with thrombus, and stenosis in two sites at the upper part of aneurysm.

  • Treatment summary.2

    • ① The stenosis in the upper part of aneurysm was widened with recanalization,
    • ② Endovascular thrombus was removed at the same time,
    • ③ AV fistula reduction was conducted.

Opening Hours

  • Weekdays
    AM 8:30 - PM 5:30
  • Saturday
    AM 9:00 - PM 1:00
    service without lunch time
  • lunch time
    PM 12:30 - PM 1:30

Closed on Sunday & National Holidays.
Opening hours can vary for each medical staff, so please confirm before visiting our hospital

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