
Treating fibroids while preserving the uterus -
We introduce minimally invasive uterine fibroid embolization performed under local anesthesia

Uterine Fibroid Embolization
Uterine fibroid embolization: Accredited as 'Level A’ treatment by ACOG
(American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) in 2008

What is uterine fibroid embolization?

Non-surgical treatment that blocks nutritional supply (artery) to uterine the fibroid

  • Intravascular treatment
    with minimal incision

    It is an interventional (intravascular) treatment that approaches into the artery through a small opening of 2mm in the groin.
    Whole treatment process is performed under real time monitoring of the uterus and surrounding blood vessels through angiography
    (X-ray combined with contrast injection)
  • Uterus-preserving treatment
    hat only kills fibroid

    It is a non-surgical treatment that induce necrosis by blocking artery to the myoma with a catheter
    The uterus can be preserved and more natural treatment is possible sinces it does not physically resect the fibroid but induces necrosis by blocking the nutrient supplying channel(artery).


Uterine Fibroid Embolization - minimally invasive,
performed under local anesthesia

  • Preserves uterus
    without any damage
  • Multiple fibroids
    treated in one single
  • Large fibroids over 10 cm
    treated in one single
  • Minimaly invasive
    treatment with 2mm
    fine incision
  • Procedure duration
    30min~ 1 hour
    Hospitalization 2~3 days
    Full recovery 7 days


Approved effectiveness·safety!

“Level A” treatment approved by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Uterine fibroid embolization was designated as a "Level A" treatment by the American College of Ostetricians and Gynecologists ( ACOG) in 2008.
'Level A' is the highest level designated to a treatment in the treatment evaluation system of evidence-based medicine.

Only after proving its efficacy through accumulating large amount of objective data in multiple randomized control trials (double-blind test)
can a treatment be designated as 'Level A’. In a study that followed-up for 3 years 1,278 patients who underwent uterine fibroid embolization, 100% complete treatment was confirmed in more than 90% of patients and 86% of the patients reported that they would willingly recommend this treatment to their friends

Treatment process

Before the treatment

  • Outpatient consultation/ Sonography

    Initial evaluation of embolization appropriacy (Size·Location·Blood flow evaluation of uterine fibroid)

  • Full MRI test / Decision of procedure

    Treatability (Fibroid necrosis) / Final evaluation / Treatment response prediction

  • Blood test etc./ Procedure reservation

    Ovarian function evaluation (FSH test)

The day of procedure

  • Admission and procedure preparation

    Measures for safe treatment (fasting, etc.)

  • Uterine fibroid embolization

    The procedure takes about 30minutes~ 1 hour depending on the size of uterine fibroid

  • Hospitalization and rest after the procedure

    Discharged the next day

After treatment

  • +

    2-year guarantee

    Uterus check-up at 1 week/ 3 months / 6 months / 1 year / 2 year (sonography or MRI)

  • +

    Consistent follow-up by doctor

    Your doctor will be personally participate in your consultation, test, and treatment, and be responsible of your uterine health for life with consistent follow-up.

  • +

    Special uterus management program

    We run a management program in collaboration with the Gynecology Center to prevent and treat various uterine diseased other than fibroids

Treatment result

Complete Remission Rate


More than 90% of uterine fibroid showed necrosis (805 patients)

MRI test results
a fter Uterine fibroid
(among 896 patients in total)

Yonsei University Severance Hospital, MINT Radiology Clinic(currently MINT Hospital),
Gwangju Chumdan Hospital,Soon Chun Hyang University Gumi Hospital,
Sungkyunkwan University Samsung Changwon Hospital,
Ulsan University Seoul Asan Medical Center,Ajou University Hospital

Contrast-enhanced MRI Images

35 year-old female patient. Embolization of uterine fibroid enlarged after pregnancy

  • Before procedure

    Large fibroid seen as a bright mass measuring 11 x 7 cm

  • After procedure (3 months)

    Complete necrosis of fibroid seen as black and partial descent into cervix 3 months after procedure.

  • After procedure (8 month)

    Fibroid no longer visible after expulsion through vagina

  • Most symptoms such as excessive menstrual bleeding(>90%), menstrual pain(77~79%), and pelvic pressure(88~92%) are relieved after embolization.
  • The necrotized fibroid shrinks to 40~50% of its original volume 1 year after embolization.
  • In submucosal myomas, as shown in the case above, 3~15% may undergo complete disconnection with the uterus and expulsion through the vagina.
  • At MINT Hospital we offer quick measures for those who undergo fibroid expulsion after embolization.

Treatment candidates

MINT Hospital only performs embolization only
if treatment is necessary and is expected to yield excellent results.

  • Indication

    the widest coverage among
    non-surgical treatment

    • Most of uterine fibroid that induces symptoms (about 95%)
    • Possible intraabdominal adhesion due to past surgeries
  • Consideration

    the procedure is decided after sufficient
    consultation with the patient

    • Uterine fibroid larger than 10cm
    • Submucosal fibroid larger than 6cm
  • Contraindication
    • Pregnant
    • Other pelvic disease
      (cancer, pelvic inflammation)
    • Malignant tumor

Uterine fibroid embolization and pregnancy

Influence of uterine fibroid embolization on pregnancy
and MINT Hostpital’s treatment principle

Pregnancy case analysis
(94 cases)
after uterine fibroid

Both mother
and child were healthy

5 out of 6 who
planned for pregnancy
had normal delivery

Research paper by Prof. Kim, Man Deuk, Bundang Cha Hospital Diagnostic Radiology et.al (published on medical article CVIR in 2005)

  • In the medical field

    There are many studies that report that uterine fibroid embolization does not affect pregnancy.
    There are also studies reporting similar pregnancy rates after embolization and fibroid resection surgery. However more data is necessary for definite conclusions.

  • In medical society guidelines

    as of 2014, the Society of Interventional Radiology recommends fibroid resection for those planning for pregnancy

At MINT Hospital

Based on scientific evidence and principles, we perform embolization according to the Society of Interventional Radiology guidelines,

  • 1If you are planning for pregnancy, we recommend attempting normal pregnancy without treatment
  • 2If you are being unsuccessful becoming pregnant, we recommend considering fibroid resection surgery.
  • 3If fibroid resection surgery is not feasible due to size and location of fibroids, we suggest uterine fibroid embolization.

Uterine fibroid embolization and pregnancy

Cited from NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine), January edition, 2007

Uterine fibroid embolization

Non-surgical treatment that blocks artery to uterine fibroid with embolization agent and induces its necrosis



Surgical removal of uterus if the entire uterus is affected or has indistinct margin between normal uterus tissue and lesion

Excellent Symptom relief Excellent
Excellent Physical activity after treatment Average
Excellent return to social life Average
Variable (20% : severe / 60% : moderate / 20% : mild) Pain (24 hours) Severe
1~3 days Average hospitalization 5 days
6 days Return to daily life 17 days
8 days Return to driving 34 days
20 days Return to work 62 days
21 days Resume
sexual activity
53 days

Opening Hours

  • Weekdays
    AM 8:30 - PM 5:30
  • Saturday
    AM 9:00 - PM 1:00
    service without lunch time
  • lunch time
    PM 12:30 - PM 1:30

Closed on Sunday & National Holidays.
Opening hours can vary for each medical staff, so please confirm before visiting our hospital

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