
Be healthy everyday with regular checkup and prevention

Medical check-up Center

You shouldn’t visit hospital only when you are sick.
Before you get sick, if you have the slightest symptoms, you must have early diagnosis and treatment fast to ensure ‘lifetime health’.
Prepare in advance when you are healthy

MINT hospital Internal Medicine·Checkup Center provides a wide arrangement of medical services from National Health Insurance Service checkup to specialized checkup, covering from general internal diseases to chronic diseases with collaborative care from specialists of all expertise including gastrointestinal endoscopy specialist.

MINT One-Stop Care

Meet ONE STOP CARE that only MINT hospital Internal Medicine Checkup Center provides accurate diagnosis of specialists, fast and systemic customized care, and management system that takes care of your future schedules.

  • Diagnosis

    National Health Insurance Service checkup Specialized checkup Specialist collaboration

  • Treatment

    Gastric·Colonic polypectomy Adult disease clinic Cooperative treatment for each department

  • Management

    Follow up after treatment Nutrition injection / Vaccination Periodic checkup

Trustworthy companion that keeps your health forever

1-on-1 personalized care
and specialized checkup center

If you are so convinced yourself that “mild diseases can’t even bring you near the doorstop of a hospital”, your health may not be so great after all. If you have a disease that you yourself don’t even know, there is possibility that you may miss the time for your treatment.
It is ‘basic requirement’ for healthy and happy life to look for small symptoms that your body is giving off and have regular check up.

Medical checkup
for different age groups

If you were curious about what checkup is necessary for you right now, please check out the list below.

However, each individual has different genetic factor and lifestyle, so test schedule and interval may be adjusted accordingly.

  • 20~30s

    The height of your health, but better safe than sorry

    • Cholesterol test (Every 5 years)
    • Liver function test (Every 1 year)
    • Depression survey
    • Chest X-ray (Every 1 year)
    • Pap smear (Every 2 years)
  • 40s

    Age with high risk of having medical issue due to unhealthy lifestyle.
    Look out for cancer and cardiovascular diseases especially.

    • Gastroduodenoscopy (Every 2 years, 1 year if you have dyspepsia, gastritis, or family history)
    • Liver ultrasound and alpha-fetoprotein (Every 5 years, 6 months ~ 1 year for carrier of hepatitis virus )
    • Low-dose chest CT (20~25 years, 1 year for long-term smoker)
    • Cardiovascular blood and ultrasound test (every 1 year in case of symptom prevails)
    • Breast ultrasound and mammogram (Every 1 year)
  • 50s or older

    Period that risk of severity increases exponentially. Requires selective extensive tests.

    • Comprehensive medical checkup (Every 1 year)
    • Occult blood test (Every 1 year)
    • Colonoscopy (Every 5 years)
    • Carotid artery ultrasound (necessary in case of suspected stroke which shows prior symptoms like sudden headache, vomiting, and paralysis)
    • Prostate cancer screening (Every 1~2 years)
    • Bone density test (1~4 years depending on bone loss)
    • Pneumococcus vaccination (once for those over 65)

What is different

  • Specialized gastrointestinal endoscopy staff

    Gastrointestinal endoscopy specialist with experience in esophagogastric duodenoscopy and colonoscopy and polypectomy and special medical staff will provide all the care you need. Also, polyp found during endoscopy is removed right away and ‘ONE STOP CARE’ that conducts biopsy right away is also possible.
  • Specialized care and collaborative care by different medical staffs

    Including internal medicine, collaboration with gynecologist (female doctor), radiologist, and vascular surgeon allows special checkup, such as female checkup, vascular checkup, and comprehensive imaging test.
  • Comprehensive imaging test and convenient rest facilities

    We are prepared with the latest endoscopy, ultrasound, MRI, clinical pathologic equipment, angiography, cross reading by radiologists allow accurate diagnosis service. Also, we have established book-café-themed waiting room and rest facilities with window view for patient’s comfort
  • 1-on-1 customized care that puts customer first

    All the facilities are on identical floor with testing facility, dressing room, and spacious resting area gathered together to minimize customer’s movement and waiting. For smooth execution of checkup, we provide 1-on-1 escort service and have daily limit for maximum number of checkup patients. You can have the results on the day if necessary.
  • Systemic care system that takes care of you after the test

    Any questions on the result of tests will be explained by related doctor. Also, we will notify next checkup schedule in 6~12 term via text message and e-mail, and help you manage your health consistently by operating special aftercare team.

Opening Hours

  • Weekdays
    AM 8:30 - PM 5:30
  • Saturday
    AM 9:00 - PM 1:00
    service without lunch time
  • lunch time
    PM 12:30 - PM 1:30

Closed on Sunday & National Holidays.
Opening hours can vary for each medical staff, so please confirm before visiting our hospital

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