
Small organ in the body, thyroid If your thyroid fails, critical problems arise

As thyroid cancer is one of the cancers with slow progression, so early finding and treatment can increase its complete remission rate.

What is thyroid?

Thyroid is a endocrine organ that secrets thyroid hormone
that adequately regulates bodily organ function into bloodstream.

  • Production / storage / secretion of thyroid hormone
  • Body temperature sustainment
  • Body metabolism maintenance
  • Calcitonin secretion
  • Blood calcium control

Types of thyroid diseases

Thyroid diseases are largely classified into thyroid malfunction and thyroid nodule
(benign and malignant)

Thyroid malfunction
When thyroid becomes dysfunctional, it can induce disease as the hormone secreted by thyroid becomes too much or too little.
It is classified into hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism and can be diagnosed with blood test.
  • Hypothyroidism
    It is a disease with less active metabolism due to lack of thyroid hormone. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause and can be treated with hormonal medication.

    Decreased metabolism

    Weight gain, slow pulse, dyspnea, weakness, cold, feet and hand edema, rash, menorrhagia, alopecia, depression, increased sleep

  • Hypothyroidism
    It is disease caused by over-secretion of thyroid hormone, and Grave’s disease is the most common cause. Drug that can suppress synthesis of thyroid hormone is necessary.

    Increased Metabolism

    Weight loss, fast pulse, fatigue, heat, over-sweating, hand shaking, weaker strength, menstrual irregularity, exophthalmos

Thyroid nodule

It is a cellular mass inside thyroid that turned into a lump. It may not be easily palpable, but it rarely does. Confirmation is done with ultrasound. About 85% is benign, and thyroid cancer, malignant tumor, accounts for about 5%.
Fine needle aspiration test is performed to confirm malignancy.
Benign nodule can be followed up with regular checkup as it does not have great influence on health, but if it is too big or there is symptom, it is treated.
Treatment for benign nodule includes resection and radiofrequency treatment.

The most common female cancer,
thyroid cancer

What is thyroid cancer?

hyroid cancer can be classified into differentiated thyroid cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer, poorly differentiated thyroid cancer, and medullary thyroid cancer. Furthermore, differentiated thyroid cancer is classified into papillary thyroid carcinoma and follicular thyroid carcinoma.
More than 90% of thyroid cancer in Korea is known to be papillary thyroid carcinoma.
Thyroid cancer is one of the cancers with slow progression, so early finding may lead to higher complete remission.
Therefore, periodic checkup is important. Women has it 3 times more than men, so we recommend having thyroid ultrasound while having breast ultrasound.

Cause of thyroid cancer

The cause of thyroid cancer is not yet known, but excessive exposure to radiation is reported to be the biggest cause.
Especially, it is known to be more common in individual who had earlier radiation exposure.
Cancer can develop in 4~5 years after the exposure or late up to 30 years.
Otherwise, genetic factor and iodine deficiency are also known to be cause of thyroid cancer.

  • Overexposure to radiation
  • Family history(hereditary)
  • Iodine deficiency

Symptoms of thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer is mostly symptomless and has following symptoms.

  • Change in voice tone
  • Sudden increase of nodule
  • Dyspnea
  • Pain
  • Compression

Tests for Thyroid cancer

  • Blood test

    It can evaluate thyroid function and if calcitonin (hormone that regulates calcium of the body) increases, medullary thyroid cancer can be suspected.

  • Ultrasound

    It is a mandatory test for thyroid cancer and identify shape, size, and location of the tumor.

  • Fine needle aspiration

    It is a type of biopsy that confirms malignant tumor.
    It aspirates cells in thyroid nodule with a fine needle to confirm malignancy under microscope.

    • 1The patient prepares for the test sitting down or lying down.
    • 2Location of nodule is confirmed with ultrasound
    • 3Skin is disinfected alcohol and needle is inserted to the nodule.
    • 4After aspirating nodule cell, the test area is pressed gently for 5 minutes to stop bleeding

    ※ In case you are taking antithrombotic or anticoagulation drug like aspirin and warfarin, you must consult your doctor

Opening Hours

  • Weekdays
    AM 8:30 - PM 5:30
  • Saturday
    AM 9:00 - PM 1:00
    service without lunch time
  • lunch time
    PM 12:30 - PM 1:30

Closed on Sunday & National Holidays.
Opening hours can vary for each medical staff, so please confirm before visiting our hospital

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