
Radiologist whose subspecialty is diagnostic radiology
And 2 3.0T, 1.5T MRIs with precision and speed

Imaging Center

(MINT Imaging Center, MIC)

Radiology that became the foundation of a precise diagnosis apart from the diagnosis of the past where you must depend on your experience.
Accurate radiologic test that diagnoses the disease and suggest treatment plan is an essential component in modern medicine.
Equipment development of radiology equipment and academic development is being continued relentlessly

Special care
MINT hospital Imaging Center has been founded due to necessity of a MRI center that can test symptoms accurately and read images without long waiting.
Our Imaging Center will become a radiologic center that you can trust in any aspect including medical staff, equipment, and medical service.

MINT One-Stop Care

MINT hospital Imaging Center has 2 MRIs of 1.5T MRI and 3.0T MRI from Phillips.
Our original technique has improved examination speed, quality of image, and patient’s convenience and allows test within short time without much waiting.

  • Test

    (- 3.0T / - 1.5T)

  • Diagnosis

    (diagnostic radiology)
    Reading and diagnosis
    Outside image reading

  • Cooperation

    with tertiary hospital Test

What is MRI?

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a state-of-the-art imaging test that gathers image of human body using strong magnetic field. After the patient enters a large cylindrical magnetic machine, radiofrequency pulse is emitted. It resonates with hydrogen nucleus in each body parts and the signals emitted after the resonance is measured and analyzed. Therefore, information on muscle, cartilage, blood vessel, and nerves can be obtained.

  • Advantages of MRI

    • Excellent resolution and contrast
    • 3D imaging, not single plane
    • No radiation exposure
    • Unharmful
    • Especially great for soft tissue
    • Soft tissue: Soft body tissue except bone
  • Cautions for MRI

    • Noise during the test
    • Claustrophobia
    • Past surgical history or metallic material usage (pacemaker, artificial valve, artificial cochlear)
    • Not for pregnant women
    • Caution for possession of magnetic material

MIC provides high-quality imaging test with excellent resolution in shorter time.

Items not to carry in MRI room

(all magnetic items)

  • Cellphone
  • Prosthetic leg
  • Hearing aid
  • Insulin pump
  • Denture
  • Camera
  • Keys
  • Hairpin
  • Belt
  • Accessories
  • Watch
  • Glasses
  • Credit card
  • Wallet

MRI process

  • Reservation

    Imaging Center Make reservation by 02-2088-1100

  • Outpatient/Reception

    Filling out medical application form, submission of medical referral form or outside image

  • Interview/examination

    Your specialist will ask your medical history, family history, and symptom.

  • Cloth change

    All your belonging should remain in your locker (no metals during the test)

  • Pre-test consultation

    Explanation of the test by nurse, Draw up of letter of consent. When using *contrast, reactive test is performed beforehand and then the contrast is administrated, Final confirmation of any personal belongings or surgical history.

  • MRI

    Takes about 20~40 minutes. Earplug. Minimal movement

  • Result confirmation

    Consultation of results after waiting for reading and diagnosis on the same day or consultation after revisit.

  • Payment/Return to home

    Immediate return to daily life. In case of using a sedative, dizziness and sleepiness may occur. Refrain from driving or manipulation of machine.

*Image CD issue: When requested, video and reading CD for referral to other hospital can be copied. (payment of 10,000 Won).
Ask the receptionist while filling out the application form.

*Contrast: It is a drug administered intravascularly which enhances intensity of signal during imaging test so that specific tissue or vascular system would be more visible.
It may induce hypersensitivity (allergic reaction) for human body, so test is required to see if it reacts to the drug.
Patients with renal disease must avoid the usage. MRA test with contrast requires extra time and cost.


What is the difference between CT and MRI

  • Generally, MRI is more accurate and provides more information, but it cannot completely replace CT (Computed Tomography), so it is a mutual relation.
    CT shows transverse section image of human body and MRI can produce sagittal, coronal, and oblique images. MRI can be applied on most areas of human body, but as it visualizes hydrogen atom, it is limited to visualize areas where hydrogen does not exist. For example, there is lung tissue and evaluation of lung lesion is more suitable for CT. Furthermore, MRI is the best for musculoskeletal system including brain, arms, legs, and spine which does not move.
    CT has some radiation exposure depending on the radiation and MRI is unharmful to human body as it does not use radiation.

MINT hospital MRI equipment

MINT hospital allows customized imaging test for different disease and body areas with two types of MRI, 1.5T and 3.0T. There is difference in duration of test and resolution depending on the Tesla which signifies intensity of magnetic field, but equipment with higher Tesla does not always mean better equipment, but it is more appropriate to use the equipment fit for the purpose.

Philips Ingenia 3.0T CX Quasar

The newest Phillips MR equipment Ingenia 3.0T CX Quasar system has original MR technologies of Phillips with better test speed, image quality, and patient convenience.

Philips Achieva 1.5T

Phillips Achieva 1.5T has high ratio of signal-to-noise and produces high-resolution image, which has innovatively shortened duration of the test for all different body parts.
It is a Smart Device that can also perform MR-HIFU

  • Effective diagnosis of tumor and disease with Digital Broadband Technology
  • Two-way radiofrequency source emission to reproduce the image best optimized to physical trait
  • Shorter test, Ambient Ring, and noise cancelling technology to improve patient’s experience
  • Effective diagnosis of tumor and disease with innovative technology of Phillips
  • High-resolution imaging and shorter tests with high diffusional gradient
  • Non-invasive treatment if uterine myoma with Sonalleve MR-HIFU
  • Brain
  • Breast
  • Abdomen
  • Prostate
  • Spine
  • Pelvis

What is different

  • Imaging Center with fast, accurate MRI

    There are a lot of things to consider before getting an MRI scan If the equipment is new, if its cost is reasonable, if the reading is correct, and if you have to wait long...
    Mint hospital Imaging Center has the most up-to-date version of the model released to date (based on Sep. 2018), reflecting the needs of these customers. In addition, we has established exclusive outpatient service system that allows enables appointment management and efficient operation system of two different MRI equipment for one-stop test and consultation without long wait.
  • Test, diagnosis, and reading by radiologist

    All imaging tests in MINT hospital are conducted by 5 radiologists at least 10 years of experience led by our Dr. Kim, Young Sun, former radiology professor at Samsung Seoul Medical Center and currently our center chief. We provide tests at university hospital level so that it wouldn’t need retest (Tests are conducted based on Samsung Seoul Medical Center Protocol)
  • Member of National Demonstration Project for consultation referral and return system

    Member of National Demonstration Project for consultation referral and return system We have established a systematic cooperation with superior medical hospital with National Demonstration Project operated by Ministry of Health & Welfare When you need to transfer to another hospital, Imaging Center Outpatient center will immediately request a referral to another hospital to provide patient-based medical service with less complicated steps. (Other members: Samsung Seoul Medical Center, Seoul Asan Hospital, Severance Hospital )

Promise of MINT hospital Imaging Center

We will provide fast, appropriate imaging test service
with the best quality using the newest equipment.

Opening Hours

  • Weekdays
    AM 8:30 - PM 5:30
  • Saturday
    AM 9:00 - PM 1:00
    service without lunch time
  • lunch time
    PM 12:30 - PM 1:30

Closed on Sunday & National Holidays.
Opening hours can vary for each medical staff, so please confirm before visiting our hospital

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