
Hybrid uterine fibroid treatment combining MRI,
which provides precise 3-dimensional images with HIFU.
We introduce MR-HIFU, allowing you to get discharged on the day of procedure.

Clear and precise images of the MRI enable detailed and safe procedure.

Uniqueness of MR-HIFU

MINT Hospital uses the new Sonalleve MR-HIFU from Philips,
approved by the US FDA(IDE).

  • Process observation and measurement with high-resolution MRI, and confirmation of treatment outcome
  • Completely non-invasive treatment (No scar, no bleeding, no anesthesia,no radiation)
  • Real-time temperature monitory resulting in enhanced safetey
  • IDE approval for mechanical saftey by the US FDA
  • Discharged on the day of procedure Return to daily life the next day

Limitation of MR-HIFU

  • Relatively long procedure time(average 2~3 hours), depending on characteristic,location, and number of fibroids and patient codition

  • Limited range of treatment (40% of fibroids are suitable for HIFU)

MRI scan + HIFU procedure + Outcome confirmation


Uterine fibroid MR-HIFU for patient’s safety and convenience

  • Totally non-invasive treatment

    Ultrasound generated from outside of the body is passes through body tissue and exclusively burns fibroids and adenomyosis.Not even a needle is required since the procedure is observed and monitored with MRI No scar, no bleeding, no anesthesia, no radiation.
  • Safe, accurate treatment

    MRI provides better image quality and much more information than sonography(ultrasound), enabling safe and accurate procedure.Hence the possibility of complications and side effects is remarkably low.
  • One-stop care system

    MR-HIFU procedure & outcome confirmation by MRI can be done simultaneously. MRI is essential for treatment planning and outcome evaluation
  • Daily activity possible from the day after procedure

    : As it does not use any knife or needle, there is less physicalㆍpsychological burden and recovery is faster. You can leave hospital on the very day after resting 1~2 hours at the hospital and you can return to your daily life the day after surgery.

Safety of MR-HIFU

Approval of IDE for mechanical safety by the US FDA

According the study by Dr. Kim Young Sun, MD-Ph.D, of MINT Hospital, immediately after MR-HIFU in a total of 117 submucosal fibroids, 95.7% of the endometrium were normal(56.4%) or minimally damaged(less than 1cm). In cased of damage of 1 cm or more (4.3%), they showed recovery during follow-up. This study has proven that MR-HIFU can be a safe treatment option with minimal endometrial damage for fibroid patients who are planning pregnancy.

Complications of MR-HIFU

We strive to minimize the complications of MR-HIFU by real-time temperature monitoring with MRI and the rich clinical experiences of out medical staff

During the procedure

    • Hot skin flash
    • Numbness or stiffness of leg
    • Pelvic pain similar to dysmenorrhea
    • Pressure to coccyx

These symptoms quickly subside once the procedure is finished.

After the procedure

    • Lower abdomen discomfort
    • Body ache(5~10%)
    • Painful/uncomfortable urination
    • Heat damage to subcutaneous fat/colon/lower limb nerve(sciatic nerve)/ small intestine
    • Skin burn (2~3%)
    • Vaginal bleeding(amount similar to menstruation)

Most symptoms are temporary and less than 0.5 % require hospitalization.
As for heat damage, an experienced doctor can predict and prevent it from occurring based on the symptom the patient is experiencing during the procedure.

Treatment process

Before the treatment

  • Outpatient consultation/ Sonography

    Initial assessment of appropriacy for HIFU

  • Full MRI test / Decision of procedure

    Final assessment of treatability / treatment outcome prediction

  • Blood test etc./ Procedure reservation

    Hormone therapy if necessary

The day of procedure

  • Admission and procedure preparation

    Admission at the morning, preparation for safe treatment(Fasting/hair removal/enema/Foley catheter insertion)


    Immediate contrast-enhanced MRI after treatment / Outcome confirmation

  • 1~2 hour stabilization

    Return to home after stabilization or discharge on the day after surgery (Either)

After treatment

  • +

    2-year guarantee

    Uterus check-up at 1 week/ 3 months / 6 months / 1 year / 2 year (sonography or MRI)

  • +

    Consistent follow-up by doctor

    Your doctor will be in charge of you consultation, tests, and treatment, and be responsible for your lifetime uterine health.

  • +

    Special uterus management program

    We run a management program in collaboration with the Gynecology Center to prevent and treat various uterine diseased other than fibroids

Treatment outome

Necrosis rate


Treated case: Contrast-enhanced MRI

The necrotized fibroid shrinks to 30~40% of its original volume at 1 year after treatment
and continues to get smaller afterward.
It is harmless to let it stay in the body as it is dead tissue Discomfort from the fibroid improves.

  • Before the procedure
    Uterine fibroid in white due to blood flow
  • After the procedure
    Uterine fibroid turning black as it becomes necrotized due to blockage of blood flow

Treatment candidates

MINT Hospital performs MR-HIFU only
if treatment is necessary and is expected to yield excellent results.

  • Indication

    if excellent outcome is anticipated

    • Those with symptoms from uterine fibroid(bleeding, anemia, pain, etc.)
    • Patient over 18 and before menopause
    • Uterine fibroid less than 13cm in diameter and multiple myoma
    • Patient with immunologic deficiency due to cancer therapy
    • Those who want to avoid surgery due to religious or emotional reason
  • Consideration

    Procedure is decided after sufficient
    consultation with the patient

    • Planning future pregnancy
    • Overweight
    • Over-vascular, cellular
    • Uterus blocked by intestine
  • Contraindication
    • Currently pregnant
    • Those with difficulty of taking MRI
      (Clau strophobia, pacemaker)
    • Other pelvic disease
      (cancer, pelvic inflammation)


MR-HIFU is performed only if excellent results are expected.

  • For the 10~20% of patients not suitable for HIFU, MINT Hospital Uterine Fibroid center selects the optimal treatment including embolization and fibroid resection.

Criteria of uterine fibroid suitable for HIFU

To minimize the side effects of HIFU,
fibroids that are suitable for HIFU must be selected based on accurate MRI diagnosis

Criterion 1

High proportion of collagen fibers in the fibroid.

The blacker the image is, the more collagen fiber there is in the fibroid.

  • TYPE. 1 (Applicable)

    The fibroid has high content of collagen,can be treated with ultrasound of relatively low temperature (60~65℃) and has low risk of side effect.

  • TYPE. 2 (Applicable)

    The fibroid has an even content of muscle cells and collagen fibers, and can be treated with ultrasound of intermediate temperature(65~80℃)

  • TYPE. 3 (Inapplicable)

    The fibroid has a high content of muscles cells(70%) is water and requires ultrasound of high temperature(more than 80 C) with high risk of side effects.

  • Fibroids initially originate from abnormal muscle cells, but may grow to have many other components including collagen fibers. Fibroids can be classified by the proportion of components, and type 1 and type 2 fibroids which have a high collagen content yield good results after HIFU treatment.
    Type 3 fibroids, mainly composed of muscle cells, do not even show good response to high temperatures due to their high water content. This increased the risk of side effects and are thus not suitable for HIFU treatment. In these cases, embolization or laparoscopic resection may be a better alternative.


Dr. Funaki Kaoru, Japanese gynecologist, Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (JMIG), 2007

+ Read Abstract

Criterion 2

Low blood flow to the fibroid

  • Uterine fibroids can have a diverse range of vascular distributions. High blood flow in a fibroid has a coolling effect during HIFU treatment, necessitating higher temperature from ultrasound. This is very dangerous since the higher the temperature of ultrasound , the higher the risk of damage to adjacent organs, bones, and nerves. A risky procedure can be a 'gamble' rather than a treatment for both the patient and doctor.We only perform HIFU on fibroids with low blood flow to minimize side effects. This can only confirmed by MRI.

    Prof. Kim Young Sun Department of Radiology, Samsung Seoul Medical Center (Currently Director of MINT hospital), Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2014

    + Read Abstract

MR-HIFU and pregnancy

Influence of MR-HIFU on pregnancy and MINT Hospital's treatment principle

Pregnancy analysis
on patients who had
(54 patients)

Pregnant at the time of study: 20%

Normal delivery: 41%
Average newborn weight 3.3kg

Induced abortion: 11%,

Spontaneous abortion: 28%

Research by Dr. Rabinovici, Jaron, Israeli gynecologist (Published in Fertil Steril, a US gynecology journal, in 2010)

  • In the medical field

    It is general understanding that HIFU seems to have partial influence on pregnancy, but does not have significant influence. There are many reports of pregnancy after HIFU. The table on the left is its evidence

  • In medical society guidelines

    • Foreign : Treatment was initially banned, but is now being gradually permitted based on accumulated research data. but changed it's policy to 'can be considered' in 2015

      US FDA banned MR-HIFU for woman who are planning pregnancy in 2004, but changed its policy to ‘considerable’.
      ※ only for MR-HIFU, not Ultrasound-HIFU)

    • Domestic : iIn 2016, the Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology(KSOG) has set planning for future pregnancy as a relative contraindication in its 'HIFU clinical guideline'.the merits and demerits of treatment through sufficient consultation with a doctor.
  • At MINT Hospital

    Based on scientific evidence and principles, we perform MR-HIFU according to the KSOG guidelines

    (Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology guideline)

MR HIFU vs Ultrasound-HIFU

Imaging guidance method

determines the accuracy and safety of the treatment.

Since HIFU burns the inner part of the body that is not visible externally, it can be very dangerous if observation through imaging is inadequate.Therefore, safety of the procedure can be guaranteed by obtaining as much information as possible through MRI. In addition, unlike ultrasound-HIFU, the entire treatment process is saved in a 3-dimensional space, allowing more delicate treatment especially in cases of large or multiple fibroids.


HIFU performed under MRI observation

Clearly differentiated lesion (fibroid in black)



HIFU performed under ultrasound observation

Indistinct and unclear lesion hard to differentiate

High-intensity focused ultrasound (Identical) Treatment principle High-intensity focused ultrasound (Identical)
MRI Imaging observation Ultrasound
High-resolution 3-dimensional image RImage quality Low-resolution single-plane image
Whole pelvic area Image coverage Limited to treatment area
Image acquired every 0.5~1 second(difficult to image moving organ) Real time imaging Smooth image (Convenient to image moving organs like heart)
★★★★ Tissue differentiation
Possible Real time temperature measurement Not possible
Possible Foreign body detection (burn prevention) Not possible
MRI right after the procedure Treatment outcome confirmation Separate MRI imaging, waiting required
Covered Diagnosis related group(DRG) coverage by National Health Insurance Not covered


Phillips Sonalleve MR-HIFU

There are two MR-HIFU products; Sonalleve from Phillips and Exablate from Insitech.
MINT hospital uses the newest Sonalleve MR-HIFU from Phillips

  • Volumetric heating

    Ultrasound beam quickly scans the area of the fibroid, and adjusts its size from 16mm to 40mm in an oval trajectory and induces necrosis by delicately burning the tissue. This allows treatment of relatively large fibroids and effectively shortens the treatment period.

  • Precise temperature monitoring

    Uterine fibroid is filmed in 6 different planes and its color temperature map is provided every 0.5 second.
    Thus, the treating area can be fully monitored while temperature of surrounding organs is recognized, preventing any complications.

  • Skin foreign body

    Focusing ultrasound onto a foreign body of the skin such as a simple scar or a surgery scar can induce a skin burn. MR-HIFU avoids these areas and selectively burns the fibroid, preventing the risk of skin burn


Opening Hours

  • Weekdays
    AM 8:30 - PM 5:30
  • Saturday
    AM 9:00 - PM 1:00
    service without lunch time
  • lunch time
    PM 12:30 - PM 1:30

Closed on Sunday & National Holidays.
Opening hours can vary for each medical staff, so please confirm before visiting our hospital

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